Sunday, April 25, 2010

2 Weeks Early

I have heard people say that the growing season is 2 weeks early this year. I think they are correct. My Mom and I have daylillies blooming way ahead of last year's blooming time. The wildflowers are blooming ahead of last year also, one noticeable flower is the Ox-Eye Daisy. They usually don't bloom until May.

Another is the Ozark Spiderwort.
It can be found around river/creek banks. This is one of 3 spiderworts that grow here.

It will be interesting to see how long this trend of early blooming will last. Maybe the hot weather and lack of moisture will put the plants back in their normal blooming cycle.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday Evening Fishing

Some friends and I went fishing today after work. A total of 5 large mouth bass were caught.

Here is picture of one lucky angler.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Full of Pollen

My head is full of pollen today and has create a headache, so it has been a slow day. I return to work tomorrow after a 10 day vacation. I had a great time. I'm going to post a pic that is not a wildflower. I believe this to be true.
Have a good week.

Saturday flower shopping

My mom and I went to a new greenhouse just east of town today. The quality of annuals was good but not very many perennials. I'm starting to get a snoot full of pollen, which is causing a headache. This happens every year when the Post Oaks start to bud out at my home.

I'm putting on some pictures of early spring wildflowers. I love this plant, but, the bloom is just for one day. Bloodroot is found around river/creek bottoms. It blooms from March-early April.

The next little plant is Dutchman's Britches (Bear Breeches). Found along river/creek bottoms. Blooms from March-early April.This the wildflower version of a Bleeding Heart.

Next is Toothwort. It can be found in the rich wood soil and along river/creek banks. I have seen them in both locations. They make large colonies. This plant and Harbinger of Spring, Dutchman's Britches and Bloodroot all live amongust each othe around the river banks.
The Harbinger of Spring is very hard to see due to its coloring. It seems to be one of first to bloom besides Liverleaf (not a good pic to put on).

Next is the Trout Lily. It is found around rich woody soil and long river/creek banks. This picture is taken it my back yard.
That is my hand hand you are seeing.

I will show some more early Spring wildflowers that bloom before and near early April. The Trout Lily also blooms in yellow, but have yet to see it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Moving week

All this week I have been moving flowers to and from my home. Some have gone to my Mom, Aunt and my neighbor. My Escape (the dirt mobile) has hauled the following: Coral

Bells,Ajuga,Lanium,Iris (Bearded & Siberian),Sedum,Columbines,Ferns,Hosta,Catmint,Grape Hycinth,Buckeye Tree, Bridal Wreath. I have also cut back my ornamental grasses this week. It has been a fun filled week with a little bit of work involved. Best way to spend 1 week of my vacation. This is picture of the Bridal Wreath. It is in the Spirea family. You see it along old home places.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Wildflower

I enjoy looking for wildflowers every year. Every new year will see a flower haven't seen. when it gets to hot come July and August I like to in my airconditioned home.
This is first flower of spring. It is Harbenger of Spring. It blooms from Feb-March. You will see it along river/creek bottoms. It is very hard to see due to its clolring and small size. The stem is brown/purple color with tiny white flowers. The leaves will come out after it is thru blooming. It grows up to a foot tall. Some times this plant is called Salt & Pepper plant.