Friday, May 14, 2010

Lot's and Lots of Rain.

I believe it has rained 5 out of 7 days this week. Wished I was able to save some of this water for July and August.
This is a picture of Multiflora Rose.
It has a beautiful bloom, but is an aggressive thug.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

4th Grade Field Trip

Today I went on a school field trip with my friend's son Carter. The trip was to Beaver Creek Paylake near Manes, Mo. It is 3 acre man made lake stocked with channel catfish. The lake is about an hour from the school. The school too all 3 4th grade classes (about 70 kids). All of the kids seemed to enjoy themselves. Some kids had fished before and some hadn't, some there didn't like to touch the worm on the hook, but yelled and screamed when they caught a fish. The kids had a limit of 3 catfish and most caught that amount. The school paid for the kids meal and the owners of the lake gave the kids a free snow cone (that was a big hit).
Carter caught 3 nice catfish and I caught 2. Carter and I had a great time. This is Carter with one of his catches of the today.

Went fishing last night

My friend and I went fishing after we got off work yesterday. Her 2 boys Tyler and Carter came along with us, plus their dog Red (a min pin). We caught about 7 largemouth bass. Here is a pic of Tyler and his nice largemouth bass.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

End of April

Seems like the month of April came and went way to quick. I went on vacation for one week and had a great time. I spyed 2 new wildflowers this month. 1 was Spreading Chervil and the other I still can't identify. I have a pair of bluebirds nesting in my back yard. It has been 3 years since they nested in the back yard.

Here is a picture of Wild Long Bracketed Indigo. My Grandma Huff called this Rattlesnake plant. Due to the fact when the seeds dried inside the bud and you shook them it sounded like a rattlesnake.

This next plant is a Wild Columbine. The picture was taken at my Mom's house.